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Prof. Ashok Malla


Ashok Malla is Professor Emeritus (Psychiatry), McGill University, Canada. He held a Tier-1 Canada Research Chair in Early Psychosis (2003-Nov 2020), later combined with Early Intervention in Youth Mental Health. He has been an international leader in service design and multimodal research in psychosis and early intervention. He has made enormous contributions to our understanding of and interventions in improving outcome in serious mental disorders, especially at its onset in youth and the following first few years. His work in clinical, psychosocial, and global mental health research, combined with advocacy, have had substantial impact nationally and internationally on health policies and service development in early intervention in psychoses and youth mental health. Recently (2014-2020) he led a $25M national Strategies for Patient Oriented Research project, ACCESS-Open Minds (Ésprits ouverte) on transforming youth mental health services, which has helped shape the current transformation of YMH services in Canada and elsewhere.

Prof. Ashok Malla

©2023 by Ethiopia Mental Health Research

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