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Mekonnen Tsehay

PhD Fellow 

I graduated from Gondar University with a BSc in Psychiatry Nursing from 2010 to 2013, and Jimma University awarded me a Master's degree in Integrated Clinical and Community Mental Health (2016-2018).

My professional experience began as a professional psychiatry nurse at the Jimma University specialized and teaching hospital from October 2013 to July 2014. I then worked as a graduate assistant lecturer at Aksum University from July 2014 to January 2015. From January 2015 to now as a faculty member at Wollo University department of Psychiatry.

I am interested to study "Role of traditional and faith healers in mental health". My PhD thesis Topic is "Examine the processes, experiences of care, and identify treatment gaps for recent onset Psychosis and developing collaborative work model between Traditional and faith healers (TFHs), and Mental health care providers in Ethiopia".  

Resource mapping and pathway to care will be done in the urban setting of Ethiopia using community consultations. followed by ethnographic and in-depth interviews to explore experiences and views of recent-onset psychosis and recent-onset psychosis management in a different cultural and traditional care (Traditional and faith healers, and mental health care providers) setting. We will also identify treatment gaps for recent onset psychosis management using an adapted version of the Butajira Treatment Gap Questionnaire (TGQ) previously developed by researchers in Ethiopia. Finally, we will develop a model for collaboration between traditional and faith healers (TFH) and mental health care providers in the management of recent onset psychosis in Ethiopia using the Theory of Change model.


  • Professor Charlotte Hanlon, Dr. Teshome kelkile, Dr. Alex cohen, and Dr. Wubalem Fekadu

©2023 by Ethiopia Mental Health Research

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